Monday, January 31, 2011

sneak peak

Sunday dawned overcast - I know because my two-year-old called to me at exactly six a.m. to come get him out of bed and we watched the pink sunrise together over breakfast - and after everyone was up, I thought I might try to finish the back of the boys' quilt.

It was finished by lunchtime, so I figured I might as well tempt fate and try to baste it while my two-year-old took his nap.

Not only did I baste the thing, but he slept for three hours and I quilted it too. The whole thing. He woke up before I was done, so the very end of it was quilted with him climbing on me, but it turned out okay regardless, and was in keeping with how I'd pieced it. With him in my lap or climbing on my back...

The free motion quilting was still too intimidating and I don't have the right foot attachment for it anyway, so I did vertical wide-angle zigzags instead. After the first line I felt a little giddy with how good it looked.

Now all it needs is the binding... but I might not have the time for that until next Sunday.

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